Unseen Passage Quiz P-1 English Grammer Class 11th, 12th
- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it :
We sit in the last row , bumped about but free of stares . The bus rolls out of the dull crossroads of the city , and we are soon in the open countryside , with fields of sunflowers as far as the eye can see , their heads all facing us . Where there is no water , the land reverts to desert . While still on level ground , we see in the distance the tall range of the Mount Bogda , abrupt like a shining prism laid horizontally on the desert surface . It is over 5000 metre high , and the peaks are under permanent snow , in powerful contrast to the flat desert all around . Heaven Lake lies part of the way up this range , about 2000 metre above sea level , at the foot of the higher snow peaks . As the bus limbs , the sky , brilliant before , grows overcast . I have brought nothing warm to wear . It is all down at the hotel Urumqui . Rain begins to fall . The man behind me is eating overpoweringly smelly goat’s Cheese . The bus window leaks inhospitably but reveals a beautiful view . We have passed quickly from desert through aurable land to pasture , and the ground is now green with grass , the slopes of dark with pine . A few cattle drink at a clear stream flowing past moss covered stones ; it is a constable landscape . The stream changes into white torrent , and as we climb higher I wish more and more that I had brought with me something warmer than the pair of shorts that have saved me so well in the desert . The stream ( which , we are told , rises in heaven lake ) disappears and we continue slow ascent . About noon , we arrive at Heaven Lake , and look for a place to stay at the foot , which is the resort area . We get a room in a small cottage , and I am happy to note that there are thick quilts on the beds.
Short answer type questions to test local, global and inferential comprehension vocabulary-
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Nancy | 1 minutes 53 seconds | 0% |
Nancy | 1 minutes 29 seconds | 0% |
Sumit | 5 minutes 48 seconds | 50% |
Pravesh | 51 seconds | 12.5% |
Shubham Choudhary | 25 seconds | 12.5% |
Aman | 1 minutes 13 seconds | 50% |
Satyam | 2 minutes 11 seconds | 37.5% |
Surendra Singh | 1 minutes 5 seconds | 12.5% |
Lovely | 2 minutes 24 seconds | 75% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 47 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 46 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 46 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 46 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 45 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 45 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 45 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 45 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 44 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 43 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 42 seconds | 25% |
Sheetal prajapati | 3 minutes 41 seconds | 25% |
Rosa | 2 minutes 3 seconds | 87.5% |
Manmeet Singh | 1 minutes 28 seconds | 100% |
akhi | 1 minutes 18 seconds | 75% |
A | 1 minutes 2 seconds | 37.5% |
akash | 47 seconds | 25% |
Ravi Kumar | 59 seconds | 12.5% |
Khushi agrawal | 2 minutes 30 seconds | 50% |
Shanu badade | 3 minutes 11 seconds | 0% |
Shanu badade | 3 minutes 9 seconds | 0% |
Msd | 2 minutes 9 seconds | 62.5% |
Ram athiya | 2 minutes 9 seconds | 62.5% |
Indarjeet arya | 1 minutes 33 seconds | 75% |
Indarjeet arya | 2 minutes 27 seconds | 37% |
Indarjeet arya | 3 minutes 8 seconds | 0% |